When I stand in front of the automatic doors, it frequently does NOT open somehow these days. Then, I am like: It's not like I am in love with those automatic doors or anything, but you know, you have to convince them somehow. Or else I cannot get in/out. When begging them does not work, I have to move around in front of doors to let them know that I am there. It's like scarifying my dance is the key to open the doors. Maybe it is. I just did not know since when they had changed it to that way. I kinda get used to dance for the doors since it's happening almost all the time, but now, those doors are trying to strike me from right and left when I am about to get in/out the buildings!! Man, what did I do to you, doors?! Every time that happens to me, I feel like this now:
Ito Shunsuke from Miyako, Iwate prefecture. 岩手県宮古市在住の伊藤俊介です。