Ryukougo Taisho is one of the unique events of Japan. In the end of the year, they choose the buzzing words that everyone is using them in common during the year from TV shows, dramas, news, so on. (Sometime, it's not really used in common, but they pick those words anyway.)
Last year, they chose some words from from politic, such as
Abe Seiji wo Yurasanai (or "We won't tolerate Abe's politics")
SEALDs, the "youth (well, there are some young folks but mostly old folks in their 60s and 70s) group" going against to Abe's politics) and so on.
Ref: [Ryukougo Taisho 2015: Japan's Most Vogue Words of the Year]
This year, one of the words they choose is:
Last year, they chose some words from from politic, such as
Abe Seiji wo Yurasanai (or "We won't tolerate Abe's politics")
SEALDs, the "youth (well, there are some young folks but mostly old folks in their 60s and 70s) group" going against to Abe's politics) and so on.
Ref: [Ryukougo Taisho 2015: Japan's Most Vogue Words of the Year]
This year, one of the words they choose is: