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Showing posts from October, 2016

Morioka Sports Park (Morioka Undo Kouen, 盛岡運動公園)

Morioka Sports Park (Morioka Undo Kouen, 盛岡運動公園) Official name: Iwate Prefectoral Sports Park in Morioka Address: 1 Chome-10-1 Mitake, Morioka-shi, Iwate-ken 020-0122 Map: There are many big parks where has unique playground equipment in Morioka. Morioka Sports Park is one of them.  They have not only baseball stadium, soccer court, and tennis courts, but also bicycle course (where you can have free rental bicycles or pedal car to ride around. There are traffic lights and footbridge in the course) and bouldering wall that not many parks have it.  The bouldering wall was very high, so I took a picture and posted. And this is the picture after I climbed it all the way to the top.          

Flu this season, vaccination, and Halloween

If a doctor say that you have flu (either type A or B,) you can NOT go to school because of School Health and Safety Act (gakkou hoken anzen hou 学校保健安全法).    If you have flu, you cannot go to school 5 days after the day you started having fever (6 days including the day you have fever.)    OR    You cannot go to school 2 days after you don't have fever any more.    What the doctor can do for your flu is the symptomatic treatment. Which is - If you have fever, the doctor gives you the medicine for reducing fever. If you have body ache, the doctor gives you the pain killer for your body. So on. Basically, flu will be gone at some point if you have proper meals and sleep. It's OK for your body to have fever because it means you body is killing virus by your body heat. And it's OK for you to have diarrhea and/or vomiting because your body is trying to get rid of the toxic out from your body. If it gets too much, then you would need to take the medicines. ...

Winter Comes Around

Whenever I see a moth, I remember one of the ALT said     "WHY EVERYTHING IN JAPAN IS SO SMALL, BUT THESE BUGS!??"   Well, I don't know, man. *LOL* They may appear ugly, scary or annoying, but still lives like us, human beings. And, those bugs cannot survive the winter, so they are about ending their lives around this time of year.  No need to go chase them around with sprays.   Well, I feel winter comes around.  

Alter Ego?


October 26th, 2016 Miyako International Community Radio via Miyako Harbor Radio 82.6 FM [LIVE]

   Producer: Hisao Hashimoto  Assistant Producer/Navigator: Saaya Tazawa  Member: Patricia Pete, Alex Ceballos Interpreter: Togo Sasaki, Ito Shunsuke When I saw nobody was replying to my facebook post asking if anybody could make it to the show tonight, I thought that it's going to be the "Japanese night show" that have only Japanese members to talk about their experiences in the foreign countries just like other time in the past.  Yet, luckily, Alex and Patricia could make it.  THANK YOU VERY MUCH, FOLKS!! The show was fun especially the ending part, the part we started singing.                        

Miyako Autumn Festival 2016

For Miyako Autumn Festival 2016, Adam and Patricia were practicing taiko drum to participate to the Yamaguchi Taiko Drum demonstration.  When I was watching their demonstration, I could find Patricia, but Adam.  I was looking around for him so hard, but I could not find him at all.  I thought he might be feeling sick and he could not make it.  BUT, later, I found that he was on the other side of the mikoshi shrine.  That was shame that I could not capture his taiko drum playing in the video.   When I was browsing around, I saw one of my classmate from my junior high school. She was about to play one of the games, kan-otoshi, there.   The rule of kan-otoshi game is that you throw a bag full of sands to the cans to knock them down.  Then, you get prize according to how many cans you knock down.  More cans you knock, bigger prize you get.      Classmate:  Hey, what if I make all of them fallen dow...

Around Kuzakai, Miyako city, Iwate prefecture on October 23, 2016

It was beautiful driving on R-106 especially the contrast between the shadow and lights.          

[PolitiC@Nippon] Asahi Shimbun: "Okinawa outrage at police officers’ racist slurs used on protesters"      

The final debate of the 2016 presidential election

Finally, the last debate is over.   It made me think what we have lost instead of gaining more and more information everyday.   It's "class," I would say.   That's something I could not see any in those two.   Good luck, United States of America.  

Lemon Vinegar

   Lemon vinegar is one of my favorite ingredients that can mix with milk, soda water, or even with hot water.  In lemon vinegar, the acid from lemon melt into the acid in vinegar, and that helps improving your circulation, so it warm your body from inside.  It also help your body to recover when you are tired too.  Moreover, lemon vinegar makes your immune system work better, so this is what you need to have for the flu season.     This lemon vinegar is very easy to make.  You just need to wash and slice the lemon and mix with same weight of vinegar and sugar. Say you have 100 gram of lemon; what you need are 100 gram of vinegar and 100 grams of sugar mix all together in one bowl. Then, you can leave it 12 hours in the room temperature or 3 - 4 days in the refrigerator.  If you like the bitter taste, I recommend to have lemon skin on, but if you are not good with it, peel the lemon skin when you slice it.    ...

October 19th, 2016 Miyako International Community Radio via Miyako Harbor Radio 82.6 FM [LIVE]

   Assistant Producer: Fumihiko Hakoishi Navigator: Hisako Yamaguchi Member: Patricia Pete, Lauren Stone, Alex Ceballos Interpreter: Togo Sasaki, Ito Shunsuke          Full Definition of stupendous   1:  causing astonishment or wonder :  awesome, marvelous   2:  of amazing size or greatness :  tremendous   - stupendously adverb - stupendousness noun

Bruce and color contact lends.

Bruce, one of the ALT teacher who I had took care of years ago, was on TV. For the show, they were discussing if either they agree for the sales associates to wear the color contact lends during the work time or not. He disagreed for it, but that was funny.  

Ingress Walk on Tuesday, October 18th, 2016

What my inner voice told me

I have been feeling little sick since couple days ago. In order to get rid of this, I have 2 choices according to Ayurveda: The 1st choice is the serious fasting for couple days, and the 2nd one is sweat it out by doing exercise or staying in sauna for a good long time. Medicine?  No, that's for smart people. Then, my inner voice told me:         So, I went for run for 6 km right after my half-day fasting. You think it's crazy?  I think so too.   It took me good 50 minute.   I felt water what I drank after I came back was super delicious.   I don't even remember the last time I felt it.        According to the rokusei (six-stars) astrology, I am getting into very difficult time of the year 2016.   It lasts for 3 months.  Yes, it's until the end of this year.   For that term, I am thinking to "PUSH MYSELF EVEN HARDER INTO DIFFICULTIES" so, eventually, I can become  ...

Volunteer Insurance

        Got volunteer insurance for free from Iwaizumi Social Welfare Council. If I die during the volunteering, I get 12 million yen. That's cool. But I have to be dead. That's not cool. I am thinking to call them like: "Hello.  I am dead, so could I receive the insurance money please? What?  You need the prove of my death?  OK.  'I see dead people.'  How is that?"  

Typhoon and Iwate National Athlete Meets

    The typhoon No.10 aka Lionrock damaged Japan so badly in August 30, 2016. It has been over month since then, but because of lack of volunteers, there are still many places need help to clean up and rebuild in Iwate prefecture. Plus, there is Iwate National Athlete Meets (Iwate Kokutai) now and many people are supporting the Meets, but the typhoon affected areas.   What shocked me was the big sign says like "Let's support kokutai, National Athletic Meets" on collapsed building in Iwaizumi where was affected by typhoon the most in Iwate. That was heartbreaking for me.  There are many people who lost their houses and family members, and some people are still missing.  How could they even think those typhoon victim people would be motivated to support Iwate National Athlete Meets? I was very sad and angry at the same time.   I do not support Iwate National Athlete Meets, but I support typhoon victims instead. That's why I have been going Iwaizumi f...

Japanese Are in Love with Papers

Whenever my work related laws are changed, my office have the boxes of paper forms that can be no longer used.. then I take them to the city dump or whatever it's called. I am wonder if "paper less society" is ever happening in Japan. They love paper forms, fax and hanko too much. The weight of those paper trash was 40 kg (88 lb.) Every 10 kg, they charge you 50 yen if it's business related. (For the trash from home, it's free up to 50 kg.) So, it was 200 yen. When I drive in, they weight my car that was 1,020 kg. And after dumping the trash and come back, they weight the car again; that was 980 kg. So, that's how they find the weight of trash was 40 kg unless I forgot and left someone I came with at the dump. Did I..?

Beautiful Colored Trees in Iwate Prefecture

There are some places in Iwate to see the beautiful colored leaves during October. On Route 106, you can also see many colors while you are driving towards to Morioka. Here is the map:


  I WON 300 YEN!!!  AND    I LOST 2,700 YEN!!!