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Road Trip to Tokyo

I had road trip from Miyako to Tokyo by my K-car last weekend.
Somewhat I thought Tokyo is much farther from here Miyako, but it was only 600 kilo meters which is only 375 miles.
I used to drive hundreds and thousands of miles by myself when I was in the US.  So, when I found it's only 600 km between Miyako and Tokyo, I thought I could make the round trip.
It sounds lots of driving (well, it was,) but it was actually fun.
Here are some advises from my experience for whom planning to drive to Tokyo.
- On the way from Miyako to Tokyo, there are many PA/SA (Parking Area/Service Area where you can park your car and take some rest, bathrooms, vending machines, etc,) gasoline stations, restaurants, and so on along the Tohoku Highway, BUT, on the way back from Tokyo to Miyako.  I had a chance to fill the gas on the way back, but at the moment, I had about half tank of the gas; then I decided to fill the tank at the next gas station.
However, there was NO gas station after that. The gasoline meter of the car showed the amount of gas was "BELOW E (Empty) Level."  I freaked out and got off the highway immediately.  That happened in Fukushima prefecture.  I asked google to show me where the closest gas stations were, and it showed me two.  Unfortunately, both of them were closed, but I found couple people walking.  I asked them if they knew the gas station opens for 24 hours.  They told me there was only one on the highway 2 km to the north.  There was no other choice for me, but heading to there.  Luckily, I could make it to the gas station.  Thanks goodness.

- The gas and toll costed me as below:
-= August 6th (From Miyako to Tokyo) =-
(The gas was full when I was leaving from Miyako)
- 2,930 yen (at Kunimi SA, 126 yen per Litter x 23.25 Litters)
- 2,260 yen (at Hasuda-shi SA, 126 yen per Litter x 17.94 Litters)
Total: 5,190 yen
[Toll Fee] (w/o ETC card)
- 7,700 yen (for Tohoku highway)
- 1,070 yen (for Metropolitan Expressway)
Total: 8,770 yen

-= August 7th and 8th (From Tokyo to Miyako) =-
- 3,360 yen (at Minami Souma Kashima SA, 126 yen per Litter x 26.67 Litters)
- 1,947 yen (at Maesawa SA, 130 yen per Litter x 14.98 Litters)
Total: 5,307 yen

[Toll Fee] (w/o ETC card)
- 1,070 yen (for Metropolitan Expressway)
- 4,750 yen (for Tohoku highway *got off for the gasoline at Minami Souma)
- 5,110 yen (for Tohoku highway)
Total: 10,930 yen
- The energy drinks such as Red Bull and Monster drink and also the chewing gum such as Black Black kept me away from the sleep.
However, you will hit the point that the caffeine is not effective anymore no matter how much caffeine you take.
When that happen, I would recommend you to take a short sleep even for the 5 or 10 minutes.  If you cannot sleep, meditation is highly recommended.
By staying relax position and closing your eyes recovers you physically, and mediation recovers you mentally.
This guided meditation is what I use sometime for recovering myself:
*10 Minute Guided Transcendent - Transcending 
- When you drink the energy drink, don't just drink it by itself.  Eat something as well.  Some PA/SA has the restaurant, but if not, there are the vending machines that sells food.  Drinking energy drink and eating something can get you recovered quicker.    
*Food vending machine. 

- Audio book keep you awake while you are driving.  You can listen it from Youtube or some other cloud sites with your smart phone.
You can get the signals pretty much anywhere on the highway.
I use the audio FM transmitter. so I can listen it from the car speakers, not directly from the smart phone.
What I was listening was "The Game of Life - by Florence Scovel Shinn," the Japanese version.
It was very good.  
*"The Game of Life (and How to Play It)" by Florence Scovel Shinn - FULL audiobook

- You tend to drive much faster than you think when you drive without looking at speedometer.
Please check it time to time, and drive carefully.  Have a safe trip!!

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