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January 20th, 2016 Miyako International Community Radio via Miyako Harbor Radio 82.6 FM [LIVE]


Assistant Producer: Fumihiko Hakoishi
Navigator: Hisako Yamaguchi
Member: Toby Almy, Ben Pedersen
Interpreter: Togo Sasaki, Ito Shunsuke

Welcome back to MICR, Toby-san and Ben-chan!!
It was very interesting to hear your holidays stories.

The funniest one was that Toby-san and his friends were waiting for the decoration lights effects for the new year of Tokyo tower, and they kept looking at the Tokyo tower.  However, NOTHING WAS HAPPENED.
Then, Togo-san asked Toby-san if Toby-san was sure where he was waiting was in front of the Tokyo tower, not the behind it.  All of us were curious if there is the front side and back side for the Tokyo tower *LOL*
I don't know why there was no decoration lights effects for the new year, but I guess there was just the regular Tokyo tower was standing in front of them just like regular days in front of Toby-san and his friends.  Tokyo tower might be like:
Maybe Tokyo tower has been upsetting after they built the Tokyo Skytree.
Well.  You two are always reliable, Yamaguchi-san and Togo-san ;)
Thank you very much always.
BTW, this is the weekly cover image for MICR FB page:

And I added myself as "Dayoo:"

Thank you very much for the fun time, folks!!
I hope to see you all again next one too!!

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