This cartoon was made by Ms. Toshiko Hasumi.
It says:
China: Hey little Japan, how dare you could make Nanjing population 250 thousands people by killing 300 thousands people out of 200 thousands people!?
Japan: 200 thousands - 300 thousands = 250 thousands!? [enigma mathematics]
And I could add these lines below from my experience:
Stupid English medias: Japan killed 250 thousand Chinese.
Stupid English medias followers: JAPAN NEEDS TO APOLOGIZES TO CHINA!!!
Somewhat, Japan is misunderstood by many people internationally, such as "Japanese soldiers kidnapped 200,000 Korean women and made them the sex slaves during the wars." Now, it's becoming the big problem between Japan and Korea. It's because Japanese government did not do anything about it when it came out as an issue. If you think of the number "200,000" sex slaves, it's easily find out that it cannot be possible. I guess Japan thought it's just ridiculous, so that's how Japan did not care back then. I mean how they fed all 200,000 women everyday? They have not found the any dead bodies of those sex slaves yet. Why? (When I mentioned it, that "200,000 sex slaves believer" told me that JAPANESE SOLDIERS ATE THEM EVEN THEIR BONES. Then, I really did not want to talk to this "200,000 sex slaves believer" any more because I thought it's just wasting my time. I can respect Mr. Kent Gilbert for being patient to explain to those "200,000 sex slaves believers'" comments on his timeline in the SNS.)
Japan has to speak up for themselves because there are so many people who still believe
"Japan attacked Perl Harbor for NO REASON!!"
"Japan was unstoppable during the WWII, so USA was right to drop the atomic bombs to stop them!!"
So on so on..
Those schools must be using some joke books as their history textbooks, I guess.
Ms. Toshiko Hasumi is publishing the first book about those political/historical conflicts.
It's available in Amazon Japan.
I really hope this book to get translated in many languages sometime soon.