I needed 2 ID photos.
So, I went to one of the photo booth to take my pictures.
The photo booth machine have the different sizes in one sheet and the one sheet costs 800 yen.
So, I went to one of the photo booth to take my pictures.
The photo booth machine have the different sizes in one sheet and the one sheet costs 800 yen.
The size I needed was the biggest one on the top left on the image above. However, they have one big one and two of the middle size ones together, but I did not need the middle size ones. That means I have to take my picture twice in order to get the 2 biggest ones.
I was like
It's ridiculous to pay 1,600 yen for the 2 ID photos, I thought.
So, this is what I did.
I went back to my office, and took my selfie with my smartphone.
I saved it as draft on gmail, so I can open it in PC as well.
Then, I download my selfie picture and edited on pixlr, the free online photo editor, to adjust the size of the photo.
After I re-size the photo, I saved it on my USB drive, so I can take it to one of the convenience store to print it out.
It worked out just fine.
As you can see on the receipt, it only cost 30 yen to print it out.
So, I saved 1,570 yen.