Android: iOS: " VoiceTra is a speech translation application for travel phrases and can translate spoken phrases into different languages. Using the multilingual speech translation engine developed by the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT), VoiceTra covers 31 different languages. VoiceTra is an effective tool to enhance your travel experiences and welcome visitors from outside Japan. Features: Spoken messages are translated and output in speech. Two persons can talk to each other using a single terminal. Languages that cannot be entered in speech can be translated by entering text. Languages: - The languages which support speech input as follows: Japanese English Mandarin Korean Indonesian Vietnamese Dutch★ Thai★ German★ Turkish★ Nepali★ Hungarian★ Hindi★ French★ Polish★ Portuguese★ ...
Ito Shunsuke from Miyako, Iwate prefecture. 岩手県宮古市在住の伊藤俊介です。