AU in Kumamoto opens their Wi-Fi location as FREE Wi-fi location.
If you see "00000JAPAN" in Wi-fi access screen on your phone, that's the one.
You do not have to have a contract with AU. Anybody can use their Wi-fi for free.
Please share this with your friends in Kumamoto. Thank you!!
If you see "00000JAPAN" in Wi-fi access screen on your phone, that's the one.
You do not have to have a contract with AU. Anybody can use their Wi-fi for free.
Please share this with your friends in Kumamoto. Thank you!!
熊本県内のau Wi-Fi SPOTを無料開放中です。ネットワーク「00000JAPAN」を選ぶとauのお客さまに限らずどなたでも、無線LANサービスが利用可能です。 → #熊本地震— kddipr (@kddipr) 2016年4月15日