Assistant Producer: Yuri Kimura
Navigator: Hisako Yamaguchi
Members: Adam Ramli, Ben Pedersen
Interpreter: Togo Sasaki, Ito Shunsuke
Thank you very much for the great show as always, the radio members and staffs!!
The Halloween is the end of the month, so they and I talk about it as the topic this time.
It's one of the biggest evens of the year both in England where Adam san is from and in US where Ben chan is from.
Ben chan had dressed the costume of Luck Skywaler from the movie Star Wars.
I am wonder if the people who wore the Darth Vader costumes said him "Come, my son."
Or he ran to the people with Darth Vader saying "Daaaaaaaaaaaaad!!" Well.
When they talked about the candies the kids can get for the Halloween, Adam san mentioned the "Kit Kat Big Kat." I thought I had seen it in Japan, but neither Togo san nor Hisako san know about it. It was kinda weird. Or I was weird. Don't they have it in Japan?
When they and I got the silent moment during the radio show (oops,) I mentioned the proverb "there was an angel passed," but neither Adam san nor Ben chan knew about it...
It was kinda weird. Or I was weird. I looked it on the internet, and I found it.
I guess it's not that popular.
[Why do we tend to say " there's an angel passing in the room" when a sudden onset of silence occurs?]
Thank you very much folks for the great show again and I will see you next week!!
[The top image of the facebook page of this week]
[Ito as DAYOh behind them]